01 Pages : 1-15
http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gpsrr.2019(II-I).01 10.31703/gpsrr.2019(II-I).01 Published : Dec 2019Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370
This research paper is an attempt to make a comprehensive profile of human tragedies occurred in Kashmir, look into the sources of human tragedies and provide contemporary developments regarding the issue of human tragedy in Kashmir. This paper also highlights the severe crimes being committed in Kashmir which have affected lives of millions of people in living in Kashmir. There are numerous cases which reflect the violation of humanitarian laws in Kashmir by the Indian on ground troops in the valley. This research paper looks at the massive level of violation of human rights protected in UN charter. Pressing problems such as force full abduction, extrajudicial killings, and violation of political rights, liberty and even right to life will be discussed with comprehensive case studies. In later part Kashmir movement will be introduced and will elaborate its effectiveness in resistance against Indian brutalities.
IOK, Plebiscite, Humanitarian law, Hindutva, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sang, Liberty, Right of SelfDeterminations, Princely States, Mujahedeen, OCHR
(1) Fazal Rehman Kakar
Department of International Relations, National Defence University (NDU) Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Imran Ashraf
Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, National Defence University (NDU) Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Noor Fatima
Chairperson, Department of Politics and IR, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Kakar, F. R., Ashraf, M. I., & Fatima, N. (2019). Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370. Global Pakistan Studies Research Review, II(I), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpsrr.2019(II-I).01
CHICAGO : Kakar, Fazal Rehman, Muhammad Imran Ashraf, and Noor Fatima. 2019. "Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370." Global Pakistan Studies Research Review, II (I): 1-15 doi: 10.31703/gpsrr.2019(II-I).01
HARVARD : KAKAR, F. R., ASHRAF, M. I. & FATIMA, N. 2019. Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370. Global Pakistan Studies Research Review, II, 1-15.
MHRA : Kakar, Fazal Rehman, Muhammad Imran Ashraf, and Noor Fatima. 2019. "Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370." Global Pakistan Studies Research Review, II: 1-15
MLA : Kakar, Fazal Rehman, Muhammad Imran Ashraf, and Noor Fatima. "Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370." Global Pakistan Studies Research Review, II.I (2019): 1-15 Print.
OXFORD : Kakar, Fazal Rehman, Ashraf, Muhammad Imran, and Fatima, Noor (2019), "Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370", Global Pakistan Studies Research Review, II (I), 1-15
TURABIAN : Kakar, Fazal Rehman, Muhammad Imran Ashraf, and Noor Fatima. "Profiling of Human Tragedy in Kashmir and Kashmir Movement: Post Revocation of Article 370." Global Pakistan Studies Research Review II, no. I (2019): 1-15. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpsrr.2019(II-I).01